Faema Fully Automatic Coffee Machine X20 & X30


Smart Boiler, Patented Turbo Steam for hands-free frothing, MilkPS - The Milk Precision system for hot milk or cold milk form,
AWS - Programmable wash cycles, Metal Coffee Group - Preheated, Wi – Fi Connectivity (optional).

Capacity : 150 to 250 Cups per day (Faema X20) and 250 to 300 Cups per day (Faema X30)

AutoSteam Milk4
A device for heating and frothing large quantities of milk without manual intervention. The Milk4 version allows you to customise the temperature and level of emulsion of the frothed milk: not frothed, a little cream, standard cream, lots of cream. 

System capable of managing the accumulation of energy stored in the boiler to allow a maximum constant supply of steam and water, even with intensive use of the machine.

Energy Saving Mode
Software that allows the boiler pressure to be lowered when the machine is not to brew coffee for a significant period of time. 

Automatic Washing Cleaning (AWS)
The machine runs programmable washing cycles throughout the day, using only water for cleaning during operation and special detergents before switching off. 

Milk Precision System
System for frothing milk and dispensing it directly into the cup. It is possible to froth milk cold, using air only, or hot, using steam.


Technical Specification

Boilers and Capacity (Litres) : 1 x 2.6
Coffee Hoppers and Capacity (Kg) : 1 x 1.2 or 2 x 1.2
Dimension W x D x H (mm) : 370 x 620 x 762
Weight (Kg) : 71
Power at 220-240V (W) : 3200 - 3800 (X20), 4800-5700 (X30)
Wi – Fi Connectivity.
USB Port, Bi – Directional Telemetry


Shop No. G1, Eliza Estate
Opp. Forest Check Post, Acoi
Karraswada, Mapusa, Bardez
Goa - 403 526

+91 8322997837
+91 9822495837
+91 9822175837

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